Why not add SMAC actuators to your product line-up?
SMAC manufactures uniquely-capable electric servo linear motors. These actuators incorporate optical linear encoders and precision linear guides, and have three basic programmable modes:

  • Velocity - from microns to meters per second
  • Position – down to 100 nanometer
  • Force - from 0.05 Newton (1/6 of an ounce) to 500 Newton (110 pounds)

Combining the three also provides the ability to control the contact force of the actuator shaft when it hits a surface, much like a touch probe does on a CMM. These abilities make the actuator useful in measurement applications.

The actuators have been proven in many inspection applications around the world. Such as:

  • Air bag parts at the world-leading maker of air bags.
  • Wheel bearing housings at the world-leading maker of auto bearings.
  • Switches, threads, seat belt latches, horns, critical tolerance parts at all leading tier 1 and 2 auto suppliers around the world.
  • Touch screen and consumer product button applications on products sold by Apple, Sony, Samsung, etc.

New Generation Precision Gauging
SMAC has developed a series of lower-cost round actuators, the CA series of Electric Cylinder. The cost of these actuators, incorporating SMAC's own optical encoders, compare favorably to pneumatic LVTDs in price, and have several advantages in performance:

  • Easy setup and adjustment - SMAC actuators are fully programmable in force, speed and positioning
  • Measures along the complete stroke
  • No drift
  • Encoder resolutions from 20 micron to 50 nanometer
  • Ability to "Soft-Land" on delicate surfaces
  • Force remains constant throughout stroke
  • Linear bearing guide with expected life of over 100,000,000 cycles
  • Accelerations up 50G, easily three to five times faster than pneumatic LVDTs
  • Virtually noiseless
  • Runs on 24 Volt DC with current draw under one Amp
  • SPC data collection

In recent head-to-head competition with the leading LVDT makers in the world in applications at leading auto manufacturers, SMAC has won each time because of the high resolution, ability to Soft-Land, ability to maintain the same force as the shaft moves, and ability to measure throughout the stroke.

SMAC and Distributors – Why selling Moving Coil Actuators is a Good Idea

  • Unique products with many advantages over conventional devices
  • Cost competitive
  • Because of their versatility - a combination of linear and rotary actuators, for instance - they open up new application niches for you (Auto thread checking, detailed switch testing, etc.)

There is no other company making this kind of product. (The designs are covered by over 25 patents.)





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